About us

We have more than 100 partners and direct representations all over the world.

We provide many offers for costumer satisfaction and perfect protection of your investments.

We have more than 500 profesional technicians.

We take care about more than 1 000,000 beds.
The authorized After sales service Linet will provide you regular controls of safety and function of your equipment. The service will offered you an effective user support, technical assistance on call, clear cost control and reduced administrantion, planned maintenance and interventions, maximised product up in time and legal, standards and quality compliance.
Our Values
We follow our values leading to costumers satisfaction and we want to built a long term relationship together. Letter „S“ symbolises words which are connected with AfterSales service, our moral status and ethics.

Guarantee long term functionality and safety for hospital

Longer product life brings more savings

We are part of LINET Group and reliable partner

We always find the way