
Linet shines alongside stars


In the USA, the fourth season of the popular television series House of Cards is currently being broadcast. Right off the bat in the first episode, Frank Underwood (played by Kevin Spacey) is seen lying in one of LINET’s beds, which several times is visible in all its beauty. This isn’t, however, the bed’s first role in this successful television series; Douglas Stamper (played by Michael Kelly) had an opportunity to try it out in the previous season.  

One might assume that the bed is appearing in the series as part of a costly product placement campaign, but the opposite is true. In the USA, LINET ranks among the absolute best in the segment of high-end hospital beds. LINET Americas Marketing Manager Lindsey Ellis made good use of LINET’s market standing and her contacts among the producers of the series. “LINET paid only for transport of the bed to the shooting location and also trained the actors so that the bed was used as it really would be in a hospital setting,” says Lindsey Ellis.

LINET beds have also had roles in successful American films. One model appeared alongside James Bond in Casino Royale, and Mark Wahlberg lay down on one in the sequel to the black comedy film Ted. The Eleganza and Multicare models have even held several supporting roles in the successful Spanish crimes series Bajo sospecha (Under suspicion).

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